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Our privacy policy

MHA Wills Ltd is a company registered in England & Wales. The registered number is 08624328 and the registered office is at 10 Nursery Avenue, Hale, Altrincham, Cheshire, WA15 0JP. The telephone number is 08445046633 and the email address is MHA Wills Ltd is a data controller for the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).


MHA Wills Ltd provides the following services in the following fields:

  • Wills

  • Trusts

  • Lasting Power of Attorney

  • Storage of wills


In performing this work, MHA Wills Ltd will gather personal data about individuals. The need for this information will be to allow MHA Wills Ltd to carry out its duties and responsibilities. The personal data gathered may include copies of passports, driving licences, and utility bills.

MHA Wills Ltd will ensure that:


  • Personal data will be processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner. The reason why MHA Wills Ltd processes data is to allow it to provide the services set out above.

  • Personal data that is collected will be solely for the purpose of allowing MHA Wills Ltd to provide the services set out above.

  • The Personal data that is gathered will be only that which is necessary to the legitimate purposes of MHA Wills Ltd.

  • The Personal data gathered will be accurate. If inaccuracies occur, or the data changes, then the record of the data will be rectified as soon as possible. 

  • Personal data will be kept for no longer than is absolutely necessary. When the data is no longer required, it will be safely destroyed. The data will be reviewed regularly to ensure that it is still required.   

  • Personal data will be held securely. Personal data will be held in two ways – both digitally and on paper.



Data held Digitally

This will be held on the server of MHA Wills Ltd. This server is backed up regularly with the back-up removed from the premises as a security measure. MHA Wills Ltd uses anti-virus and anti-malware software to ensure that the hardware and software used by the firm is secure and safe from cyber-attack. Hardware and software are monitored constantly and upgraded when necessary.



Data Held on Paper

This is kept at the premises of MHA Wills Ltd in a secure location. Access to this information is restricted to the employees of MHA Wills Ltd. 



Use of the Data Held

The personal data that is held is used for the legitimate purposes of MHA Wills Ltd. It will not be shared with any other businesses or institutions unless there is a legal obligation to do so.

MHA Wills Ltd will not sell or rent personal data to third parties.


MHA Wills Ltd will not share personal data with third parties for their marketing purposes. However, MHA Wills Ltd may use the data held to suggest services that the client may reasonably be expected to be interested in.



Right of Access to Data Held

Individuals have the right to access the information that MHA Wills Ltd holds. In the first instance a request should be made in writing to MHA Wills Ltd by post or email. A response will be sent within 28 days.


Individuals have the right to request that information held by MHA Wills Ltd is rectified, erased or restricted. Every effort will be made to ensure that the data held is accurate and MHA Wills Ltd will correct any data that is known to be inaccurate. It will not be possible to erase data which would mean that MHA Wills Ltd is not able to carry out its legitimate purposes. However, data will be erased if there is no good reason for it to be retained by MHA Wills Ltd. A request to rectify, erase, or restrict data should be made to MHA Wills Ltd by post or email. A response will be sent within 28 days.


Individuals have the right to access the information that MHA Wills holds. In the first instance a request should be made to MHA Wills Ltd by post or email. A response will be sent within 28 days.



Third Party Service Providers Working on Behalf of MHA Wills Ltd

MHA Wills Ltd may pass personal data to third party service providers, agents, subcontractors and other associated organisations for the purposes of completing tasks and providing services to its clients. However, when third party service providers are used, they will only be given the personal data that is necessary to deliver the service. MHA Wills Ltd will require any third party providers to keep personal data secure and to not use it for their own direct marketing purposes



Information Sent by MHA Wills Ltd to Individuals

MHA Wills Ltd will only send marketing communications by email or other electronic means if specific consent has been received to do so. If an individual has given their agreement but subsequently wishes to opt out then they can do so by clicking the unsubscribe link which is included on all marketing emails. Alternatively, MHA Wills Ltd can be contacted by post, email, or telephone at the address given above with a request to opt out.


MHA Wills Ltd may use personal data to contact an individual with news about MHA Wills Ltd, other products and services which may be of interest, and occasionally for market research purposes.


MHA Wills Ltd, and the other parties referred to above, may contact an individual by post and phone and, if prior consent to do so has been given, by email, SMS, and other electronic means.




MHA Wills Ltd may analyse personal data to create a profile of interests and preferences so that information can be sent that is relevant to the individual contacted. The data that is collected about an individual might include a name, address, telephone number, email address, IP address, services the individual is interested in, interests the individual has, information regarding what web pages are accessed, and when those pages were accessed. MHA Wills Ltd may make use of additional information about individuals when it is available from external sources to help this profiling to be done effectively.



Use of ‘Cookies’

Like many other websites, the website of MHA Wills Ltd uses cookies. ‘Cookies’ are small pieces of information sent by an organisation to an individual’s computer which is stored on its hard drive to allow that website to recognise when an individual has visited it. Cookies collect statistical data about an individual’s browsing actions and patterns. This helps MHA Wills Ltd to improve its website and deliver a better, more personalised service.


It is possible to switch off cookies by setting your browser preferences, turning off cookies may result in a loss of functionality when using our website. 



Links to Other Websites

The website of MHA Wills Ltd may contain links to websites run by other organisations. This privacy policy only applies to the websites of MHA Wills Ltd. Individuals are encouraged to read the privacy statements on the other websites that may be visited. MHA Wills Ltd cannot be responsible for the privacy policies and practices of other sites, even if an individual accesses them through links from the website of MHA Wills Ltd.



Right to Complain

Individuals have the right to complain if they believe that MHA Wills Ltd is not handling their data in an appropriate manner. In the first instance these complaints should be made to MHA Wills Ltd by post or by email. However, if it is believed that the complaint has not been dealt with in a satisfactory manner then a further complaint can be made to the Information Commissioners Office and details of how to do this can be found at

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